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Want me or another author to come to a signing event near you?

Something kind of serious today, So many of you want us (Indie authors) to come to signings near you and that's great. We'd love to meet you, too. Now, how about some facts to show why we can't/don't attend more events? * Registration, Hotel, and Travel for each event can easily reach $1000 or more. Some events also need to be reserved a year in advance. * Add to that the cost of our swa...g that we give away - another $250 - $500 or more depending on what we use and how many attendees there are * Add also the cost of our books and the price of transporting them to the event. Contrary to popular belief, we do not get as many books as we want for free. Not even ebooks are free for us to gift. If we sell a book for $10 at the event we MIGHT make $4 on it (which means we'd have to sell 250+ books just to cover the event costs - we make even less when you buy them from an online company). Now, if you add that all up you'll realize that we don't stand a lot of chance on profiting from an event except that we get to meet our readers. Want to help? * Buy our ebooks. Yes, we don't make a lot but your support here means the world to us. * Leave reviews. Love our stories? write a review and tell your friends to help them find us, too. The more people buying our books, the better chance we can afford to make that trip to meet you. * Can't wait for an event? Go to your author's page, blog, or website and ask if they sell autographed copies. Your support means everything to us and your support keeps us writing! Enjoy the Read! C.M. Johnson

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